PhD position at the Department of Sciences/Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics (INAMAT2) – UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA DE NAVARRA (Pamplona, Spain)
Within WIT (Welcoming International Talent, program, the Public University of Navarre offers predoctoral contracts to develop individual research projects in strategic research lines of Navarre. WIT is an Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) Doctoral Programme cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Slodowska Curie Action Cofund, (Call 2020).
The research group “Physical Properties and Applications of Materials” of the Department of Sciences/Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics (INAMAT2) offers a research project on the Automotive, Mechatronics and Advanced Manufacture line (1.C.5 Magnetic sensors for automotive and mechatronics applications / Physical properties and applications of materials Group / UPNA, Cristina Gómez Polo).
Employment Conditions
• Full time contract (up to 36 months, co-funded by MSCA COFUND grant).
• Gross salary (living allowance) of 32.400€ per annum. It will include (Spanish law) all corresponding benefits such as national social security & health insurance, pension deductions, employee tax and maternity/paternity leave, etc.)
• Relocation expenses (mobility allowance) up to 2.400 €.
• Family allowance of 3.600 € per annum for ESRs with family and/or dependent.
• Personal research budget up to 4.800 € per annum for each ESR to cover comestible, conference attendance, publication costs, workshops, etc.
• Travel allowance up to 2.400 € per annum for each ESR to cover travel and subsistence during secondments or short stays at partner facilities.
Cristina Gómez-Polo
Tf. +34-948-169576