Transdairy Project

The Mediterranean
innovators had the opportunity to meet over 

participants of the decision maker, entrepreneurs, funders, professionals, journalists & researchers during the Cross-border brokerage event that was inaugurated by Mr Helmi Merdassi General Director of the Management Unit of the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Mr Hichem Sebai the President of University of Jendouba, Mr Hichem Ben Salem General director of IRESA, Mr Khaled El Saadani senior expert and Mr Zied Kebaier project officer of the Joint technical, ENI CBC Med Programme

The talented #TRANSDAIRY innovators
were allowed the great occasion to take the stand to present their creative ideas during a two-hour pitching session; to exchange their experiences, explore other business opportunities & extend their network through effective B2B matchmaking during the round table session.

#TRANSDAIRY offered to the
innovators the floor to convince three honourable juries to get vouchers
for prototypes, Co-publications and co-patents

Do you think they could make it

The jury members praised their solutions’ originality and they
gifted the winners
vouchers for
Co-publications and